The Daily Muse
Now I understand
whats really going on.

Jeff's World of
Distraction and Self-Worship

Jeff plays well with others

The Stinkyfinger Home Page
Back from the dead
and better than ever

Comedy by
Mike and Jason

Favored by Mom's
two to one.

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Kevin's Oddly
Different Story Time

Curious George +
Power Lines = Fun!
What else could I possibly say?

Cruel Site of the Day
When I want to feel better
about myself, I visit here.


It would be easy to say the
name speaks for itself, but...

Brian's Page
of Antique Weirdness

I saw a picture of
your Grandmother there.

B. Fatt & Lazy Movie Reviews

Seriously, these guys love everything.

Scary Squirrel World

First the corn, now the squirrel. Nature's a bitch.


Brenda's Dating Advice
First Chick Winner.

Do you want more?