Jeff's House of Smuggled Pork
Anger is his business
and business is good.

Sturge's Page of Idiocy
Because there just aren't
enough fish on the Internet

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We Like Girls

She hates Backstreet Boys and 20 year old GUYS who visit the page.

Myatia's Pages
Experience Myatiaism!

Casper's Column
Be sure to check out
the burp of the week.

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Bound and Delivered

When you care enough to send virtual whips and chains...

Dave's Den
Save this Dog!

Bored Goth Central
The feel good site of the year.

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The Mighty Bastard Championship

These good ol' bastards can throw down.

SenorNacho's House
of Monkey Torture
and 70's Discotheque

Be afraid, be very afraid.

Fredz Homepage
The Dancing Finger
Goes International


Norm likes this butt.

Haven't had enough?