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Zim's Palace

Meet the secret agent for Netscape. EVIL!

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The Pit of Advertising Wonders

I’m not exactly sure what the hell it's for, but it won.

Captain Clinton

Up until now, the man was just a president.

Jeff's World of
Distraction and Self-Worship

Jeff plays well with others

Pissed Off

Some people just aren't happy.

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Dark Chat

You won't be chatting with Jimmy Swaggart here.

Project Denny's
I prefer IHOP....


ThE SpooN FactorY
Has nothing to do with "Spoon me."

The End Of The Line
Home is where the hurt is

Tales of mirth and merriment.

Buzzy's Chicago Sports
Hall Of Shame

Buzzy scares me.

Dan's World
Teen Angst

Really into abuse huh?