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Welcome to the movie review world, SDM style.  It goes like this, WE DON'T WATCH THE MOVIES.  Instead our highly trained attack reviewer FoxXy takes a gander at the previews, consider the hype, put it through the grinder and give you our take on the situation.  It's a simple process really, but we're the ones doing it.


Dead Man On Campus

Premise of this movie is that two roommates have failed their classes, but according to some inane college rule if their roommate commits suicide they automatically pass. The whole movie is these  two guys trying to get their roommate to kill himself. Now they could've just pulled a Heathers move on him but I don't think they are that bright…I mean they did just fail their classes right? Anyway it actually looks funny.-I could always use a couple if new ways to drive people crazy. And as an added bonus Mark-Paul Gosselar of Saved by the Bell fame is in it.

Did you notice he dyed his hair black? Sorry this is a female thing guys, we notice things like this. Anyway I think this was a self-deluding move on his part to disguise himself from anyone that may have recognized him as teenage troublemaker Zach Morris. Sorry hon, not working. Lets just be happy there's no Screech in this flick.

This is a movie I am going to check out. 'Sides I have a thing for guys with black hair.

Two thumbs.