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Welcome to a bad idea from a long line of bad idea. This is the BSQ Page. In all honesty, it sucks, but it goes like this: IT'S SUPPOSED TO SUCK SO DON'T GO WASTING OUR TIME WITH SOME PIECE OF SHIT COMMENT LIKE "THIS REALLY SUCKS, MAN" BECAUSE WE ALREADY KNOW!!! That's better. Since it's a chore to be the only ones contributing, go ahead and send in the dumbest questions you have to ask and we'll answer them. This isn't some last ditch effort at mediocre celebrity-ism. It's only purpose is to lighten up the mood.

Don't go thinking we give a damn. We just want you to feel welcome. When you feel at home, that's when we'll attack. After all, if you can make your guests feel like shit, what good are you? We aren't aiming for laughter, but if you laugh (and believe me, you won't) then so be it. The BSQ will get updated whenver enough questions warrant it. Send in as many as you want, just don't waste your time by answering them. That's our menial position in the matter. NOW PISS OFF!

Welcome to the very first special edition of the bsq. In case you won't be able to figure it out, it is valentine's day oriented. Enjoy. We'll be putting out a regular edition soon so if you want to be involved with that one, send your questions here.

This Valentine's Day BSQ is erected in honor of the greatest swooner/anti love machine Mr. Greg Dulli of the Afghan Whigs.

A Valentine based WHAT?!?!!?
It wouldn't be a bsq without some variation of that question. What stupid, lame, dumbass, BullShit question do you have about Valentine's Day.

Explain the difference of a real heart and a Valentine's Day heart.
First Einstein, that's no question. Second, who wants to get a real heart for Valentine's Day? Besides, isn't that illegal?

Are women really from Venus?
Obviously, you've never had children.

Are men from Mars?
No, they come from a troth.

Where does the naked dude with the weapons come in?
Cupid came from a family of pissed off pygmies. Unfortunately, he was a happy one and wanted to change the world (a lot like Max Reagan), so he coated his arrows with an aphrodisiac and viola, he was a short, naked, armed-to-the-gills hippie.

Who's Max Reagan?
Someone who has a lot of lonely Valentine's in store.

Why is cupid an ugly little fucker?
That's another reason to explain the use of such weaponry. Have you ever seen a covergirl (or boy) pygmy?

'Nuff said.

Is there away to get the cute redheaded girl to "fall in love" with me?
Yeah, but it's illegal.

What are you doing to celebrate valentine's day?
Calling up strangers and singing "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" Suicide rates may increase. Hip hip hooray!

Why are women the single most corrupting force on the planet?
Because men are the single most gullible force on the planet.

Why are roses so expensive on Valentine's Day?
I wouldn't know, my neighbor's got a flower bed. Besides, why don't you just buy the roses the day after Valentines at some sort of left over discount and freeze those badboys for a year?

That would kill the roses.
It's the thought that counts.

What Valentine's Day would be complete with the wit and wisdom of Greg Dulli?
Isn't that rhetorical? Nevertheless, I agree.

What do you suggest as a gift?
A six month gift certificate for Jenny Craig. Everybody's doing it.

What do I do if my girlfriend throws my candy away?
Pick 'em up and give them to her sister or neighbor, which ever she'll see first.

But they both have boyfriends.
Good point. Give her two boxes of candy just in case.

What do you suggest for those with mistresses?
If you have to ask, then I suggest you give yourself up right now.

What's the deal with that Dulli guy and SDM?
He is a modern day cassanova in an sdm kind of way.

Where can I get some good porno?

You guys are pathetic.
Who's the one reading some shitty web site for Valentine's Day?